Reorganizing your Brain Through Movement

Reorganizing your Brain Through Movement

Do you have a disorganized brain?

Here are some signs:



poor concentration

lack of coordination

bad posture

poor sleep


getting stuck in fight or flight



poor planning and organizational skills

difficulty regulating body temperature

lack of impulse control

difficulty with bowel/bladder control

controlling behaviors

and many more.

So what can we do about this? We can re-organize our brain through movement! We can go back to the movements of our infancy as well as mimic those movements and situations, essentially teaching our brain to go back to the cortex. We can change at any age through neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to rewire connections and learn new things. I'm here to lead you through some of these movements in an upcoming workshop, many of which may be familiar to you and some of which might feel awkward at first!

Brain re-organization is possible as we work on lower brain development by re-creating movements we may have missed as babies. The brain naturally develops but often times things are missed in that critical first year of life, or we can experience things along the way of life that cause brain disorganization. Going back to these primal movements can help us to develop the primitive brain that is in charge of automatic functions, making life feel more spacious and easeful.

A fully developed primitive brain is the foundation for an organized life. This part of the brain is responsible for our automatic functions like breathing and digestion, as well as fight or flight response. If the primitive brain isn't fully developed (as many of ours is not), the cortex (the part of our brain that does higher processes than survival mode) has to take over these jobs, and it often doesn't have the bandwidth for this with all of it's other functions. If the primitive brain isn't fully developed, it can respond to regular ole situations as threats and enter into fight or flight unnecessarily. This creates stress on our bodies mentally, emotionally and physically, causes us to react inappropriately, and quite frankly just makes life overwhelming! Fight or fight can become our default response, leaving us with a disorganized brain without the strong foundation it needs to operate from the cortex.

What can you expect following this workshop? Immediate results can include a sense of ease, clarity, spaciousness, and calm. If the movements are implemented regularly, you can feel more like yourself, free up space in your cluttered, foggy brain, become more relaxed moving through the day, reduce the feeling of hurry and overwhelm, exist in the present moment with ease, wake up with a more relaxed state of mind, and enjoy a brighter outlook.

Join me for a 75 minute virtual workshop on

Thursday, February 23th at 4:15pm.

Register Here


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