Pilates for Hypermobility

A Resource for Bendy Bodies

Pilates for Hypermobility

Hypermobility is a super common trait that may predispose people to injury due to increased elasticity in their tissues. They have increased mobility and flexibility in their joints and can often move beyond a normal range of motion. But it's not all fun- They may commonly experience pain, laxity in connective tissues, frequent dislocations, clicking/clunking, light headedness with position change, clumsiness, unsteadiness, and more.

Movement and exercise can present some challenges to those with hypermobility, yet exercise is actually key to condition management. Often a regular exercise class is not the best format for those with hypermobility. Specific cues, modifications and an individualized programs are important. My colleague Emma and I have been working with hypermobile clients for years now and have seen the need for more programming at an affordable rate. Since individualized cues is sort of our specialty, we've created a course for hypermobile individuals that will help empower students to live differently in their bodies to prevent injury and minimize pain.

Do you know someone that is hypermobile? I would appreciate you sending the course info their way or asking me to send it to them. Help spread the word about this resource! Thank you!

Course Description:

An intro to movement course for those with Hypermobility and/or EDS. Learn the foundations of biomechanics for movement, how to listen to your own body, and how to safely modify movements to make them accessible and pain free. Learn to find the proper range of motion, alignment and form for common Pilates and gentle movements. Individual cueing and corrections will be offered. This class is designed to teach you skills and body awareness that can be integrated into your life off the mat to positively affect your posture and help you to live and move with less pain and greater ease.

Taught by Instructors Mandee Louie and Emma Sullivan, both with backgrounds in movement for those with special conditions and training in hypermobility. Each is Stott Pilates certified as well as a myriad of other specialized training in movement.

Unlimited Classes from Feb 28- March 23

Tuesdays 5pm & Thursdays 9am



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